Home Grown In conversation with a plant stylist.
Home Grown In conversation with a plant stylist.
For accidental houseplant killers and New Yorkers with rentals in need of cheer, Lisa Muñoz is here to help. In her unusual line of work as a plant stylist, she handpicks houseplants and ceramic pots for clients, and styles them in homes and offices across the city. Her company, Leaf and June, will even drop by for weekly watering.
Where does your love of plants come from?
My grandparents had pretty extensive gardens in San Antonio, where there are desert plants everywhere and cacti in parking lots. But they had papayas in their backyard, which I think is so weird for Texas. They grew peppers, melons, tomatoes, chiles and calamansi—these citrus fruits you find in the Philippines, where they’re from. In college I got a Home Depot plant. That’s everyone’s first foray! I loved seeing ...