Velociposse members (left to right, top to bottom) Hayley Whitehorn, Megan Barclay, Nic Grant, Lauryn Yuen, Ayo Oluyemi, Alyssa Vongapai.

Free Wheelers

  • Words Emily Chappell
  • Photography Suleika Mueller

On the road with London’s Velociposse Cycling Club.

Issue 50

, Community

  • Words Emily Chappell
  • Photography Suleika Mueller

Northwall Road rarely sees much of the typical London congestion. The road runs for just over half a mile past the velodrome in east London’s Olympic Park but, being barricaded at both ends, it’s frequented solely by cyclists, runners and walkers. Tonight, it’s the site of a slow race between members of Velociposse Cycling Club. Half a dozen people are inching their way up the road’s gentle slopes. Their faces alternate between concentration and laughter as they twitch and swerve and wobble in their attempt to stay upright and be the last person to cross the finish line. The scent of an enormous buddleia bush drifts over them, and beyond it, the rush-hour traffic of the Lea Valley Interchange roars past. 

Eventually, all riders but two have put a foot down and pedaled ahead. On...


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