The End of the TunnelOn breaking out of the scarcity mindset.

The End of the TunnelOn breaking out of the scarcity mindset.

  • Words Pip Usher
  • Photograph Lorenz Kienzle

When an optometrist talks of tunnel vision, they’re referring to a loss of peripheral sight. The same applies to a psychological outlook: A person who is suffering from tunnel vision cannot see the full breadth of possibilities because their outlook has become so narrow. Such a condition can be triggered by a scarcity mindset, in which there’s a constant fear that there simply isn’t enough—whether that be food, finances or emotional fulfillment. Obsessed with alleviating this perceived shortage, a scarcity mindset will respond with short-term, impulse-led behaviors. As a result, the ability to consider long-term priorities, and the joy of creatively strategizing on how to get there, is replaced by an obsessive drive to meet immediate needs and desires. Avoid falling into this tr...

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